Flashpoint: AI Translation Is Still Dumb & Surprisingly Lecherous

I received a phone call from a “Haruta”-san of Setagaya Park saying that the state of emergency declaration in Tokyo has been extended until 6/20, so operating hours for the tennis courts are limited until 8pm during that time.

Check out what AI translation did with that:

AI Translation #2 (2).png

What the fuck, AI?

I thought this was about tennis, but Yes, I want to go kinky right now!

Bitch, don’t even try to tamper my hard-on with freezer talk, it just makes me harder.

Let’s do so much, together! TOGETHER!!!

p.s. It’s so weird that “together” breaks down to “To Get Her”. Either way, I’m having sex with my AI translator tonight. Together or not.

That’s right, as you read this, I’ve already raped my AI.

Gotta problem with that? Write a letter to your senator. The evidence is laid out above. Also, get over yourself, hero.