How To Rationalize Your Boozing

I love to drink.

But when I drink too much, everyone around me gets all pissy about my aggressive behavior toward yard gnomes and other animate-looking inanimate objects.

I get it. I’m sorry. I’m a jerk.

But if you suffer similar criticisms and feel bad when people make you feel bad for drinking too much, here’s how to rationalize your way out of it.

A key to not drinking too much/getting too drunk, is drinking water and/or other non-alcoholic beverages.

For instance, after each alcoholic beverage, have a non-alcoholic beverage.

One could have a glass of water after each beer.

Or …

One could have a glass of tonic after each shot of vodka.

And …

Once could save time by just drinking them together.

The moral of the lesson is: go ahead and have as many vodka tonics as you like, just consider them to be two different drinks.

First, I have a shot of vodka.

Then, I have a glass of tonic.

Everybody wins!

p.s. You can do this with almost anything. For instance: Vodka Orange Juice, Vodka Tomato Juice, & Vodka Lime Juice. You really can’t go wrong with this winning strategy. Hope this helps your life!

This is one shot of vodka, and one glass of tonic. Totally alternating alcoholic & non-alcoholic drinks. You’re welcome!